Studio 54 City: New York Address: 254 West 54th St. Status: Closed
Oggi riuscire ad entrare in clubs esclusivi è sempre più difficile visto che all'entrata ci sono selector sempre piu esigenti. Riuscire ad entrare vuol dire status, relazioni, appartenenza. È l'élite dell'élite. Le motivazioni per voler entrare sono tante. Negli anni passati entrare in club significava altro. Alla fine degli anni '70 a NY nasceva uno dei locali che ha fatto la storia del clubbing che ancora oggi è leggenda: lo STUDIO54. L'intento dei gestori Ian Schrager e Steve Rubell, era quello di garantire all'ospite "la più grande festa del mondo" nonché quello di scioccare con gli eccessi la città di New York (ci fu chi entrò nel locale a dorso di cavallo o addirittura tramite i condotti dell'aria).
Today, being able to get into exclusive clubs is increasingly difficult because at the entrance there are more and more demanding selectors. Be able to enter means status, relationships, belonging. It is the elite of the elite. The reasons for wanting to are many. In the past years get into club meant another. At the end of 1970 in NY there was one of the locals who made the history of clubbing and today it is still a legend: the STUDIO54. The intent of the owners Ian Schrager and Steve Rubell, was to guarantee the guests "the biggest party in the world" and to shock with the excesses the City of New York (there were those who entered on horseback or even through the air ducts).
Steve Rubell
Bella Jager
Gente del calibro di Michael Jackson, Calvin Klein, Andy Warhol e Jack Nicholson erano clienti fissi. Però non solo la clientela era speciale, ma anche lo spazio stesso . Con le sue enorme dimensioni, il club aveva un palcoscenico, balconi, aree sedute con tavoli e una spaziosa pista da ballo in parquet in legno. Un bar principale sotto i balconi, tutto coperto di specchi, era in immediata vicinanza della pista da ballo. Studio 54 era rinomato per la sua incredibile sistema audio, i ballerini sentivano il battito su livelli superiori e inferiori della pista da ballo, illuminata da un sorprendente spettacolo di luci stroboscopiche. La musica riprodotta ad alto volume, le scenografie allusive fecero in modo che sin da subito questa club si presentasse come un luogo dove le etichette sociali non contavano nulla, ma dove tutti potevano essere protagonisti.
Lo spazio detto ‘’Rubber Room’’ era malfamato, tutte le sue superfici erano coperte di gomma, permettendo tutti i liquidi di essere più facilmente spazzati via.
Michael Jackson, Calvin Klein, Andy Warhol and Jack Nicholson are among the endless list of music, fashion, art, and Hollywood heavy hitters that paid visits to this be-all and end-all of nightspots. Not only was the clientele special, but the space itself was, too. Cavernous in size, the club had a stage, balconies, sitting areas with tables, and a spacious parquet wood dance floor and a mirrored main bar under the balconies was in close proximity. Studio 54 was renowned for its incredible sound system and amazing light show. Dancers felt the beat on upper and lower levels of the dance floor, which was illuminated by the strobe lights. The music being played at high volume, the allusive scenography made sure that right from the start this club presented itself as a place where social labels did not matter, but where everybody could be a protagonist.
The space was also infamous for its "rubber room," where all surfaces were covered with rubber, allowing any fluids to be more easily wiped away.
Michael Jackson, Calvin Klein, Andy Warhol and Jack Nicholson are among the endless list of music, fashion, art, and Hollywood heavy hitters that paid visits to this be-all and end-all of nightspots. Not only was the clientele special, but the space itself was, too. Cavernous in size, the club had a stage, balconies, sitting areas with tables, and a spacious parquet wood dance floor and a mirrored main bar under the balconies was in close proximity. Studio 54 was renowned for its incredible sound system and amazing light show. Dancers felt the beat on upper and lower levels of the dance floor, which was illuminated by the strobe lights. The music being played at high volume, the allusive scenography made sure that right from the start this club presented itself as a place where social labels did not matter, but where everybody could be a protagonist.
The space was also infamous for its "rubber room," where all surfaces were covered with rubber, allowing any fluids to be more easily wiped away.
Dite quello che volete per il posto, ma è difficile capire una discoteca che ha generato più discussioni (o amarezza) nella storia. Questo è il segno di un lavoro ben fatto.
Say what you want about the spot, but it's hard to fathom a nightclub that's generated more discussion (or bitterness) in history. That's the mark of a job well done.