our gift guide

Christmas is coming and we are counting the days left! Here are some ideas for presents - for your family and loved ones.

Natale si avvicina e stiamo contando i giorni! Ecco alcune idee per regali - per la tua famiglia e le persone care.


Handmade wares by Elaine Tian http://www.studiojoo.com/

Storage stone jars for Menu by Norm Architecten

For your body http://figandyarrow.com/

All above from http://lovewarriors.se

If that is not enough or you can't decide here are some gift guides from Apartment 34  like this one below.

Se questo non ti basta o non riesci a decidere, qui puoi trovare guide per i regali da Apartment 34  come qesto sotto.

 Happy shopping!